Genealogy Record For
Sally Cranston

Sally Stickle (Cranston) (02/12/1812-1877)
Sally's Personal Information
Born on February 12, 1812
Died in 1877 (Age 65)
Marriage to
    Samuel Cranston (? - ?)
Residence History: According to Jane Stickle Crosier, Peter can be found in the US Census for the following years, 1790 (Age 30) living in Northeasttown, New York, then 1810 (Age 50) he is living in Gallatin, New York, then in 1920 (Age 60) he is living in Ancram, New York, in 1830 (Age 70) he is living in Gallatin or Red Hook, New York
Source: Neal Gardner's We Relate Website and
Jane Crosier's Stickle's Family (permission maybe required) and
Family Lines: Sally is listed in the following family line report: Nicolaus Stickles (Amsterdam-NY)
Submitted by (Jane) Hazel Jane Stickle (Crosier) on September 9, 2010

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Last Modified on: February 20, 2011
Record Created:   September 9, 2010